I enjoyed it greatly because I got to see a good chunk of my con friends and hang out. Much more relaxing for me than Anime North, which is nice. Attending was a last minute decision, and I only went for the sunday. (Blayke came too!)
Good times hanging out in the gaming room (playing Street Fighter), checking out the dealers, and engaging in epic battles on bouncy castles. Once again I enjoyed visiting the Science Center, which I still think is a great venue for this con--which I don't think has outgrown the venue yet. There was a lack of good crafts on sunday though, which was disappointing for me, because that was what I enjoyed most of last year...
One thing I think I should mention that left a bad taste in my mouth was all of the bad stories I heard about the saturday night. I know that APop is generally known as a "rave con" but it sounded more out of hand than normal? Rowdier than normal? I heard from one of the dealers that there were about 30 incidents (unconfirmed) from the previous night, which involved attendees ending up in ambulances --several of which were due to drug overdose--but many were from people knocking each other over on the dance floor. D: This could easily have been exaggeration of rumours, mind you. That being said, it still sounds like something needs to be done about this next year?? Like, for the safety of other attendees? I dunno.
Overall, I personally had a good time. And will most likely attend again next year. :)