Hello everyone! :D
Anime North is in 3 days! PANIC!!! I still have yet to finish my costume! Gah! My mask is at 80% completion, and I've just started on my cloak/poncho thing today. I have my shoes and tights, so that's out of the way. Just gotta buckle down and get it done.
Feathers are finished! |
I finished the hairpiece for my outfit I'm wearing on friday. I am wearing the pale yellow floral dress I posted in February. Unfortunately I have to take it in a bit, because I lost a bit of weight and it never fit super snugly. Seeing how it's strapless and all, fitting snugly is kind of important! XD Viral will be a no show this year. : ( I didn't have time to fix it up like I'd hoped. I will probably be wearing it at FanExpo, or next year.
Foam's being coated! |
Hairpiece is done! |
I have finished the work I did on my older sister's costume. She's being Cousin Miso from We <3 Katamari (or Katamari Damacy). It's looking awesome! I can hardly wait to see the completed costume! :D I will be posting it for sure after AN. I'm planning to do a Katamari cosplay for FanExpo, but I'm still trying to decide on a cousin... hmm...
The framework! (Not my work) |
A mitten sleeve! |
The tube of extreme pain to sew! |
My picture posting for my Europe trip is almost done! Only the pictures from Budapest left! :D It has been great fun reliving the trip through my pictures! I am trying to get them posted before the end of May, so I can post my Anime North and cosplay pictures the beginning of June. Expect to see a lot of cool stuff!
My trip to London and Edinburgh is officially booked. I am leaving on the 15th of June and coming back on the 29th. I will be staying in Edinburgh from the 20th to the 23rd in a sweet little apartment in the centre of the city! Very excited! I plan to catch as many shows as I can while in London. Any suggested sights to visit?
I attended the Loretto Abbey Multicultural Night on the 13th. I took some pictures and videotaped some of the performances. I will be posting those before I go away again. :D
Excellent job girls! You make Teresa proud! :D |
That's it for now, gotta get back to work! :D